Release of the second game. Since I’m still learning the ins and outs of game building, I wanted to make yet another simple game but one that targets a more general set of users, which includes adults. Plus, it wouldn’t hurt to be able to show a variety of ads instead of only those child-safe ones.
Because the content, mechanics and implementation are a lot lesser than Toddler Academy, it was possible to complete and roll out faster.
The next upgrade to this game would be the use of Play’s Leaderboards service so users can compete on a worldwide platform rather than just a local one.
This game has been built on LibGDX framework. It runs very very similar to flappy bird. Tap to fly, release and you will fall. I would say that Cavern Drone is easier in the sense that the drone does not fall as sharply and gives users a more rounded off and smoother control of the drone.
I also wanted to make this game simple without the unnecessary bells and whistles that games nowadays are chock full of and do away with useless and unwanted purchases.
It was definitely fun making this project, from the graphics right down to the last code mainly because the focus is so singular.
Things I have learned:
- Collision between circular and rectangular objects are coded differently from rectangular and another rectangular object
- Make sure your circular/ elliptical graphics and boundaries for collision are as similar as possible otherwise result of visual collision will look wrong
- The stalactites and stalagmites are a combination of stacked rectangular objects because coding for polygons is a real pain in the butt – maybe I’ll try it again in the future.
- Mastering the use of setters and getters in Java and perhaps overdoing it and liking it a bit too much.
- Using Scene2D in LibGDX to create buttons (and a whole bunch of other stuff) is a lot easier but not using scenes ups your skill in coding, which in hindsight is a big plus.
- Can’t be bothered with creating the game for smaller mobile phone screens this time around – made life a whole lot easier.
- Sound glitching was solved by upgrading to latest LibGDX hence allowing the use of the AsynchronousAndroidAudio class